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Mission Statement:
1.) To reduce the amount of solid waste disposal to extend the life of the Clark County Landfill
2.) Assist in providing clean land, air, and waterways for Clark Co.

Core Values:

  • Environmental responsibility

  • Attentive customer service

  • Safety of residents, environment, property, and equipment

  • Innovation: review, revise, and implement recycling solutions to meet community needs

Thank You Clark County Residents!

Material diverted from landfill and recycled:
2023: 4,647,940 lbs./av. 194 tons monthly
2022:  4,956,776 lbs./av. 206.54 tons monthly
2021:  4,979,560 lbs./av. 207 tons monthly
2020:  4,789,237 lbs./av. 199 tons monthly
2019:  4,454,820 lbs./av. 186 tons monthly

Recycling is processed and distributed to manufacturers through WestRock Recycling.

Clark County Recycling District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in its program or activities.

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